Every single year people in America are injured in one way or another. While this is quite unfortunate and something that most people wish would never happen, it is the reality that we live in. People are liable to be hurt at work, while driving, and depending on their age they could even get hurt inside the safety of their home.
For this article, it is important to focus on the concept of suffering an injury while driving. Most people think that they will never get seriously hurt while they drive and so they drive really fast and drive in ways that are dangerous and reckless. However, statistics show that it takes a split second for you to end up in a car crash that can result in a serious injury.
If you are involved in a car crash and you are not at fault it is your best bet to hire a personal injury law firm, or at the very least you should consult with them. A personal injury law firm can help you work to get the best results in terms of compensation for your injury, especially if you are not at fault. Here is what you need to know about working with a personal injury law firm.
Hiring a car accident attorney when you are injured in an accident is a good idea but may not cover all of your bases. Instead, hire a personal injury law firm to help you with your industrial accidents, drunk driving accident, and motor vehicle accidents. The law firm will make sure you have been properly compensated for your medical bills and possible time away from work.
In 2015, the number of drivers that drive distracted because they are using a cell phone reached a percentage of about 4%. This total managed to decrease by the year of 2016, however, as it would lower to about 3.3%. The Association for Safe International Road Travel estimated that just about 37,000 people in the United States will die because of road crashes annually.
Across the globe, more than half of all road traffic deaths will involve young adults, who are anywhere between the ages of 15 to 44. In the year of 2015, the United States suffered more than 30,000 fatal motor vehicle accidents in the United States and this is dangerous because the number could increase now that more people have smartphones. Drunk driving and distracted driving are believed to be equally dangerous.
In the year of 2013, motorcyclists managed to account for just about 14% of all traffic fatalities and just about 4% of all injuries that come as a result of car accidents. In the following year of 2014, this number of injuries managed to reach 92,000, however, it would decrease by the year of 2015 and would hit just about 88,000. This means that you can look to a personal injury law firm to help you with your injury.
It is always important to be aware of the traffic laws that vary from state to state. Understand that in Oregon, traffic laws state that if a vehicle is moving in traffic, a turn signal has to be used at least 100 feet before the car turns or changes a lane. So if you are hit and injured by someone, then you can definitely hire a personal injury law firm because you were not in the wrong with this accident.
Pedestrians over the age of 65 accounted for 19% of all pedestrian deaths and an estimated 13% of all pedestrians injured in 2015. In the year of 2015, there were over 1 million drivers arrested because they were driving under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. Also, it is important to know that drunk drivers or drivers under the influence of drugs make up just about 15% of all car accidents.
Right now in the United States experts believe that over 95% of all personal injury cases are settled pretrial, which is a good thing to hear for those who are hiring a personal injury law firm to help deal with an injury sustained during a car accident. This is because this statistics means that most cases are solved with settlements outside of the court of law.