This week was supposed to be full of the excitement of the first days of school.
New clothes.
New school supplies.
New classes.
New teachers.
New friends.
Unfortunately, instead of this being a week of firsts and excitement, your high school freshman is in a hospital room recovering from an accident caused by someone else’s carelessness. After months of telling your son how important it was to make sure that he did not use his phone at all when he was driving, it was an adult’s reckless behavior that landed your husband in the hospital. That adult was texting while driving, ran a red light, and side swiped your son’s car.
You are grateful that your son is still alive.
Looking at the car, you would not have imagined that anyone could have escaped alive.
the resulting injuries, however, mean that your son will be missing not just the first day, the first week, or the first month of school. In fact, the doctors predict that the first time your son will be back in class will be second semester.
So instead of your son attending class today and then heading to football practice right after school, your son is stuck in a hospital bed, working with therapists, doctors, and nurses. The final prognosis is good, but the path to that prognosis will be long and difficult.
Have You or a Loved One Been Injured in an Accident?
Whether you are looking for a personal injury attorney, a trucking accident attorney, or another legal representative, it is likely that the person you find will be able to help you predict the difficulties and the expenses that you will experience during your recovery. Relying on yourself after a traumatic accident, in fact, can leave you short of resources for the long road of recovery that you will need to follow.
Consider some of these statistics about the causes of accidents that lead people looking for a trucking accident attorney, wrongful death attorneys, or other legal representation:
- Distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding are the three most common causes of car accidents in America.
- 98% of all semi-truck accidents result in at least one fatality.
- 64% of fatal semi-truck accidents involve a semi-truck that was towing one trailer.
- Aggressive driving plays a role in 66% of fatal traffic accidents, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
- 28 people die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired drivers every day in the U.S.
- 3 million people are injured every year in car accidents on the roads in America.
Do you need help from a trucking accident attorney or other legal representative?