Between 2003 and 2007, 192,069 fatal car crashes happened in the United States. More than half (55.7%) of fatal crashes during that time period involved at least one driver who was described as potentially committing an aggressive action. In fact, more than three-quarters (78%) of respondents to the 2008 AAA Foundation Traffic Safety Culture Index rated aggressive drivers as a serious or extremely serious safety problem.
Do you have a loved one who has been hurt or killed in a car accident?
Was the car accident the result of a negligent or aggressive driver?
Are you struggling with grief, emotional damage, or financial burdens?
If you, you need to know that there is hope and that there is also a way to recuperate financially from the damages of the car accident. These financial damages can include a car that has been damaged beyond repair, hospital fees, medical expenses, job loss, disability and many others. Here’s a quick glance to see if you qualify for a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.
It is your worst fear. You or your loved one is driving down the road, obeying all the traffic laws, including driving at the appropriate speed, when another driver, either through aggressiveness or negligence, hits your car. The accident itself may be traumatic. The collision, the sudden loss of control of the car, the effects of the damage…these can be memories that will replay for months to come.
When you settle and the car is no longer moving, you may notice any assortment of injuries. These can include wounds or lacerations, aches, broken bones, blood, neck strain from the whiplash, and many many more. Although the first thing you think about after getting into a car accident is physical health, you may notice the damage to your vehicle–that ruptured car tire, the metal contusion of your engine, the broken glass.
You may be asked to go to a hospital. And therein lies the issue. You may insurance or you may not. Your insurance may have a high deductible. Either way, when you get into the emergency room, they will run tests. X-rays, blood tests, checks for broken bones and bruises, to make sure you don’t have internal bleeding. Yes, you’re happy to be alive. But what about those medical costs?
If they find a serious injury, they may tell you not to go to work for the next few weeks. You are placed on medical leave. Your savings kick into gear, but slowly they’re dwindling. That ache in your arm isn’t going away. The doctor is talking about disability. And this is all caused by a negligent or aggressive driver.
In this case, it is possible to contact a car accident attorney. He or she will know to handle the situation surrounding your car accident injury. Car accident attorneys are a subset of personal injury lawyers, whose job is to advocate for people that have been involved in an accident where another party is at fault. A personal injury lawyer can help you by doing the following things:
- Review your case. The personal injury lawyer will review your medical records, witness statements, police reports, doctor’s notes, and so much more to determine if you have a viable case.
- Prepare the case for submission. The personal injury lawyer will prepare the documents of your case for submission with the correct docket based his or her best assessment of where your case will have success.
- Fight for your case in court. While most personal injury cases are settled pre-trial, your personal lawyer can advocate for you in the courtroom and in the negotiations for reparations from the parties that were at fault.
Similar to a personal injury lawyer is a wrongful death attorney. A wrongful death attorney would be needed if you have a loved one who has died as a result of an incident where another party is at fault. The wrongful death attorney will do many of the same things as any personal injury lawyer; however, as the case is more sensitive, he or she will do all they can to provide you resources for emotional support.
A personal injury lawyer or wrongful death attorney can help out immensely and get you financial relief in these difficult times.