You’ve tried to salvage your marriage. You’ve read article after article to learn some tips with dealing with arguments and financial disagreements. You’ve even attended marriage counseling sessions in an attempt to figure out what went wrong over the years. When a divorce is the only solution left to you it can feel like defeat. Divorce, however, is just another path on the road of life. A divorce law firm can assist you through these frustrating times to ensure you don’t also have to worry about finances and court hearings on top of an already emotional separation.
Those who have divorced before and those who are facing this for the very first time will both benefit from the list below. Learn today what a divorce law firm can do for you and your family.
It’s thought as many as two-thirds of women will file for the majority of divorces. The median age for marriage back in the 1950’s was 20 years old for women and 23 years for men. Compare this to 2004, in which both of these rose by a few years. Couples who have dated for three years or longer before their engagement were found to be 40% less likely to get divorced. This is a significant difference compared to those who waited just a year before tying the knot.
Couples’ therapy is a resource still available to you should you decide to put off filing for a divorce. These sessions can last for weeks or months depending on the severity of the issue and how badly it gets in the way of a harmonious marriage. A survey by AAMFT saw couples’ therapists reporting half of their caseload in therapy was due to infidelity alone. Mental health counseling, childcare counseling and communication are some of the biggest focuses on bringing a marriage back together again.
Why do people get divorced? Perhaps these statistics can help you feel a little less alone in your struggle. A recent study published by the Journal of Family Issues saw infidelity as the leading cause of legal separation at 20% of all respondents whose marriages recently ended. Another 19% said they divorced due to incompatibility, while another 10% attributed their failed marriage to drug or alcohol abuse. Whichever reason has you considering the cost of a divorce lawyer, rest assured you are valid in your decision.
Child custody can make this already messy problem seem completely out of your control. How can you divorce your partner while still prioritizing your child’s happiness? Studies have shown that 22% of fathers will see their children more than once per week when the father and children live in separate homes. About 30% of child custody cases saw a decision reached without third party involvement. Another 5% saw the issue resolved after a custody evaluation. Whether or not child custody is a valid option is a decision you should make carefully.
What should you expect when filling out your divorce papers? A divorce law firm can find you the right attorney to suit your situation. This could mean a child custody lawyer, a domestic violence lawyer or just a consultant for the unsure. You can wait up to six months after the initial divorce petition is filed, though this wait time can also vary immensely depending on your unique needs and where you live. You can also visit a divorce law firm and ask a few questions to put your reality in better perspective.
Filing for divorce isn’t easy. A divorce law firm, however, can make it much easier. When you need a divorce lawyer to give you a family law provider, all you have to do is ask.