The field of law is a diverse one. It’s also quite complicated.
When you find yourself in need of a little legal help, just making the first step can seem like a monumental effort. This can involve receiving divorce advice at a family law center, requesting aid from a DUI attorney after a crash or filing for bankruptcy when you’re out of options. No matter what curveball life is throwing at you, the field of law has never been known for being particularly welcoming. This is where hiring a trustworthy attorney comes into play. They can help you with finding the right representative, filing paperwork and eventually reaching the conclusion that can get you back on track.
Here are a few basic steps to get you through this rough patch in your life.
Divorce Lawyer
When you find yourself considering a divorce, the first step on your journey to a fresh start is to seek out a family law center. The United States sees one divorce occurring every 36 seconds or so. That means 2,500 divorces per day, 16,000 divorces per week and over 800,000 divorces every year. Researchers have also estimated that 40% of all first marriages, and 60% of all second marriages, will end in a divorce. While these statistics can seem a little shocking, they simply stress the myriad of options available to you when you reach the conclusion your marriage isn’t working out.
Child Custody
Another factor to consider when visiting a family law center is that of child custody. Divorce isn’t usually as simple as signing a piece of paper and calling it over. You have to consider your assets, your mental health and, yes, your children. It’s estimated over one million children are involved in divorce proceedings every year. A family law center can assign you a lawyer familiar with child custody hearings, schedules and additional resources to make the transition from married life to a new life as smooth as possible. More specific lawyers, such as a domestic violence lawyer, can also be found through family law.
Drunk Driving
The first thing you think when you’re in a car crash is how you’re going to get back on your feet again. Should you have any suspicions that additional substances were involved in the incident, though, and your first action should be to reach out to a DUI lawyer. Every day people will collectively drive drunk over 300,000 times, but fewer than 4,000 will actually be arrested. Of all car crash fatalities each year over 30% are from drunk driving alone. Asking for DUI resources not only provides you more accurate help, it keeps others on the road safer.
Distracted Driving
It’s not just drunk driving that sees people applying for an attorney’s assistance. Distracted driving is an insidious, and sometimes deadly, incident that happens every single day. It’s estimated over 650,000 drivers, during any given daylight moment across the country, are using cell phones while driving. Also known as ‘manual subtasks’, these little actions (such as attempting to text, call or eat behind the wheel) can compromise a driver’s attention and increase their risk for an accident. A distracted driving attorney can interrogate witnesses and provide additional resources to help you reach a viable legal conclusion.
Finding The Right Lawyer
Whether you need a criminal defense attorney to assist with domestic violence or aren’t sure if alcohol was involved in your crash, a lawyer is your best line of defense. Not many people are intimately familiar with the means of navigating the legal system, particularly when their mental health is compromised by stress, and an attorney can walk you through each step with confidence. This includes setting up meetings, reaching out to your insurance companies and whatever else is necessary to ensure you’re getting the help you deserve.
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Let an attorney keep things simple for you.