The process of setting and making bail is something most people have a basic understanding or comprehension of. For many people though, that is where it is the end, and the finer workings of bail bonding and the legality of it all are lost to many. Essentially a bail is a set amount of money someone has to pay to be allowed to await their court hearing at home rather than in a jail cell. The payment works to ensure they do not try and run away and that they show up back in court for their sentencing.
To best understand everything involved in bail and jail proceedings, you need to talk to your local bondsman. These individuals and companies work to help people make bails that they themselves cannot afford by lending money to cover the bail. The payments for the bail arguments then get paid back after the sentencing along with any interests and feed the bail bonding agency charges. The pros can answer all of your questions about bail bond interest rate estimates, legal proceedings, and what your rights and responsibilities are once the bails have been paid. Contact them today to get the help you need!

Americans have a right to a fair trial. For better or worse, however, that doesn’t mean that the judicial system is particularly fun or easy. Unfortunately, you could end up in jail for a long time before your court case is resolved if you can’t post bail. Fortunately, a bail agent can help with bail bonds and may be able to bail you out of jail while your court case goes forward.
You might have some questions such as, “when is the bail decision made?”. Generally speaking, bail decisions are made during the arraignment, which is a hearing during which time you are formally charged. During bail hearing cases, court officials will determine your bail, including how much your bail is, and what the conditions are.
Even once you’re released, your bail during trial conditions may be updated. For example, if the court case is taking longer than expected, your bail may be extended. What is the bail extended meaning? This means you’re allowed to remain free beyond the initial dates as your court case is wrapped up.
As you can see, there is a lot to consider. It’s wise to work with a bail company or expert to ensure your freedom.

Our society has come a long way since the days of cold, crude, and brutal responses to those who chose to break the rules. No longer do we see punishments as severe as cutting off the offender’s hand, the accused being pelted with stones thrown from a riled up crowd, or a sheriff-sanctioned shoot out in the street. Today, when the law is broken, the court system upholds the due process in order for the accused to be deemed innocent or guilty in a fair and legal manner. And often, a part of that process is the involvement of a bail bondsman.
Why do you need bail and when is a bail bondsman necessary?
Not everyone needs the help of a bail bondsman, but it is good to know about, should that necessity arise. When an individual is arrested, depending on the crime and the circumstances surrounding it, he or she may be released on bail, the amount of which is set by the judge. Paying that bail money allows the defendant to be released from jail, free to return home until the trial, which is held at a later date. The bail amount is typically a pretty significant amount, and acts as something of a guarantee that the accused will indeed show up to their court date, as that money would then be paid back to the person who paid it. Sometimes that amount is too high for a defendant to pay, and if they do not have a friend or family member who is willing or able to pay it, they can turn to a bail bondsman to help.
How does a bail bond agency function?
When a defendant cannot post his or her own bail, that individual will get in touch with a bail bond company. After the defendant pays a percentage of the bail amount to the bail bond service, that agency will pay the entire amount of the bail so that the defendant can be released. The agency offering the bail bonds will keep the original fee paid by the defendant regardless of whether or not he or she shows up to court on the date of the trial. If the accused does dutifully go to court when ordered, the bail bond agency will be reimbursed the money they put up to originally let the defendant go free. However if the defendant does not show up, the bail bondsman is held responsible, and will often employ a bounty hunter to ensure that the accused is found, turned in, and thus allowing the courts to return the bail money to the bail bond agency.

Jails and bails in the United States
Over the course of one year, almost 12 million people went through processing in United States jails. And on any given day, of all the people in jails in the U.S., about 60% of them are those who have not been convicted, but are waiting for a resolution to their charge while they are being detained. The Bureau of Justice Statistics has found that the number of individuals who are in need of money for the purpose of paying a set bail has gone up by at least 30% over the span of about 16 years, and continues to climb. Chances are, you or someone you know might need or be asked for bail money at some point. It is a good thing that there are around 14,000 bail agents who are currently working throughout the United States. Without that system, a lot more people would either be broke, or spending a lot more time in jail.