Whether you have attracted occupational illness or injured in the course of your employment, you are entitled to certain benefits and compensation. These benefits are covered by worker’s compensation insurance, which offers relief to employees who have been injured on the job. So, if you are injured at work, it is important that you seek workers compensation law firm or a compensation lawyer who’ll guide you through the legal steps of applying for benefits. In addition, a good workers compensation lawyer can help you in several ways including, appealing a denied claim, contesting a compensation malpractice and negotiating benefits amounts.
In the event of occupational injury, you are supposed to quickly report the matter to whoever is in charge of you. This will trigger the due process in obtaining worker’s compensation. But failure to do so can delay your claim process which will, in turn, delay your compensation. What does the worker’s compensation entail exactly? Typically, the benefits will include 100% medical costs and or cash benefits caused by loss of work time. The cash benefit normally takes effect after 3 to 7 day waiting period.
It is estimated that in 2013, the average duration U.S. men and women missed going to work due to work related injuries is 8 days. Such cases call for the employer pay the injured employee weekly cash benefits and other medical related costs. These payments are done by the employer’s insurance firm directed by the worker’s compensation board. Additionally, it’s this board that determines the amount payable to the affected employee. With a reputable workers compensation law firm, you can prove that the injury or illness sustained is work-related.
In some cases, the employer can dispute your claim to avoid incurring compensation costs. Here, it’s up to the law judge to evaluate your claims and the submissions of your employer to determine who is right. Although when it turns out that your injuries are not job-related, you may still apply for disability benefits and get covered. Note that you cannot qualify for both programs, the worker’s compensation and disability program.